Friday, February 3, 2012

A little can go a long way…

(Pretend the date says January, 31...I couldn't put it up then because I didn't have internet.)
So I’m on my way home from a class that seemed like a total waste of my time. I really would rather have been in bed. My head is pounding and I feel like there are little knives in my eye balls. Not to mention I feel and look totally gross.
Not my best moment... Then something happened. Someone gave me a compliment that put a silly smile on my face. I stopped off at the convenience store at the Go Station and the Asian man behind the counter asked me if I was still in school.  I replied yes and he then went on to say various times “You’re a very pretty girl. No, I’m serious. You’re a very pretty girl.” I just started giggling. The last thing I feel today is pretty…pretty awful is more like it. But then this compliment came along and changed my attitude. It made me realized that in my sourness I had been cranky with Lucas over the phone and I realized I needed to apologize to him for taking out my grumpy mood on him. Then I got inspired to write another post for my little bloggy. And all because someone took the time to make me smile.

What if we all decided to give someone a compliment, a little lift, a word of comfort each day…what would happen? What would that look like? Let’s give it a try. Once a day, try to go out of your way to make someone smile (and not the same person…a different person every day). You never know what that little comment, hug or bit of encouragement might do…maybe one day you’ll be in need and that same person will be there for you. Apparently I’m ending with a rhyme and just in catch my train.

Stay tuned for my next post about my big move!

{Insert cool, catch-all phrase to say goodbye},


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