Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today's Joy: Lists of Joy

Lately joy has been hard to come by, so I've decided to create a list of the lil' things in life that make me smile:

1. Babies!!
2. My cats (or cat babies)
3. My puppy
4. The smell of spring
5. The ocean
6. Classic Films
7. Jazz 
8. Condensed Milk (thanks to my husband)
9. Vanilla scented candles
10. Orange creamsicles
11. Handmade soap
12. Watermelon
13. Painting
14. Finishing an excellent book
15. Listening to my jams
16. Taking photo walks
17. Vintage clothes
18. Celery with peanut butter
19. Jewelery (especially the shiny kind)
20. Singing real loud when no one's home
21. La Rocca b-day cake
22. The feeling after you clean your room
23. Naps
24. Audrey Hepburn movies
25. The first spring robin
26. Disney characters
27. Swimming in the lake
28. The smell of clean sheets
29. Playing super mario
30. Hugs and snuggling

Just a few things to help me remember to stop and focus on the happy things in life.

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