Friday, April 29, 2011

Today's Joy: A Royal Wedding

As we all know, today was the royal wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate (yes, I know that the title is Duchess something or other, but whatever, she's a princess now!). As much as I would have loved to watch the spectacle live, there's no way I was waking up for 5am. I love my sleep too much. I barely woke up in time for my own wedding! But luckily, I caught the highlights later on.

It was a lovely cermony and Kate made a beautiful princess bride. It really was a fairy tale moment as Kate walked up the aisle to meet her prince. And let me tell you, that walk up the aisle was not a short one! I think I would have freaked out and ran the other way!

 I had both of my parents supporting me as I walked to meet my handsome prince, and I still shook and cried the whole way!

Kate was so elegant and calm and so was Prince William. It's easy to forget that even though they are "roy-als" they're still normal human beings, just like we are. This came through when Kate was just about all the way up the aisle and Prince Harry (the daring rascal he is) turned around to get a look at the bride. He then nudged his brother and mouthed "Wait till you see her!". Prince William tried to keep it cool, but he evetually gave in a turned around for a sneak peek at his bride. When she finally reached him, he leaned over and whispered "You're beautiful". It was such a lovely moment.

I didn't realize how emotional I would get as I watched this momentous occasion in history, but it did bring me to tears. There were, literally, billions of people sharing this moment together to celebrate love, joy and hope. The ceremony touched me as it brought back memories of my own special day, which was not too long ago (July 17, 2010...we're almost one year old amor!) There were so many stresses and issues surrounding our wedding, that I couldn't be sure exactly how our day would turn out. But God had it all planned and the day was beautiful and perfect, my dream come true. 
So here's to the new Prince and Princess! Let us continue to celebrate the promise of love, the hope and dreams of a young bride and groom and the joy that is marriage!

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