Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quote of the Day

“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”

~ Mark Victor Hansen

Photo Entry: My fat boy in his pink house

Let me first introduce you to my big fat baby, Nipper.
Quite the looker, ain't he? And, well, what can I say? He's huge!
All the more to cuddle with! He also likes to wear hats.
And on rare occasions, has been know to wear tye-dyed t-shirts.
Not many could pull this look off, but it's slimming on him don't you think?
Now let me introduce you to the Queen of Sheba, fondly know as Nickels.
Yeah, she's gorgeous and she knows it. She likes to use her queenly powers to get away with everything.
Yeah, that'd be her lounging on my piano.
And later playing my brother's X-box when he's not looking.
She's also quite dramatic.
Her famous guillotine impression.
And playing cat casserole. 

So here's why I've introduced you. First, cause they're awesome. Second, because you have to know them in order to get why these next two pics are so great. My babies were recently given a new present. It's this little cat house.

When Nickels is inside, we can hardly even see her.
But when Nipper gets in there, well...
Half of him sticks out!! He's so chubby!
I just love them. And they love each other.
Alright, you can say it now. All together...

Today's Joy: J+R=LOVE4EVER

Yesterday I finished reading Jane Eyre, well really it was today at 2:30am. (SPOILER ALERT: Don't read on if you don't want to know the end!) It was such a beautiful book written from a time gone by. After reading it, you want to start speaking just like Jane. And finally, FINALLY, in the end Jane gets her happily ever after with Mr.Rochester. Then to make my joy ever more complete, I find out that they're making a new Jane Eyre movie that's coming out this March! Just in time for my birthday! Happy early Birthday to me! Jane fans, take a look at the trailer. It looks amazing!!!

Mia Wasikowska looks to me to be the perfect Miss Eyre. First Alice and now Jane, Mia is well on her way! Can't wait to see this!

Clip of the Day: I hope my babies do stuff like this...

This is my all time favorite YouTube video. If it doesn't make your heart smile, then you must not have one...........or at least not a smiley one. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Clip of the Day: Bazinga!

This is for my sister. Makes me laugh every time!!!

Song of the Day: Firework

This song is currently my anthem. It encourages me and makes me smile every time, almost involuntarily. So horray to Katy Perry who for once goes against the grain and sings an uplifting song rather than singing about getting naked and having coitus.

Annnnnnnd just for randoms, someone once told me that Katy Perry has a cat named Kitty Purry....bizzare or ingenious? You be the judge.

Today's Joy: My Lifelong Companion

These last few months have been hard; very difficult for me personally, spiritually and health wise. That's why I'm writing this blog. My super sister told me that I should do one thing everyday that brings me joy. I'm taking that to a different level by keeping this journal of little everyday things that bring me joy. Sometimes finding the good things in life can be very hard when all seems dark, but that's why we need to try even harder to find the light. My joy today (and everyday really, but just really gushing about today) is my husband. Through everything I've gone through, he continues by my side. And when I say I'm high matinence, I'm being modest. Yet he remains. God gave me my perfect mate and when I dwell on it, I couldn't be more filled with joy. Today my lovely man brought me breakfast in bed, and this isn't even a one off kind of thing. He often brings me breakfast in bed, makes me tea when I'm not well, sits up and talks with me all night when I can't sleep. So this is me stopping to realize what a blessing I have in him. Thanks Jesus for making my best friend my life long companion!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today's Joy: I heart Sheldon Cooper

Today I caught up on two of my fav tv shows, Grey's Anatomy and The Big Bang Theory. So after being dramatically moved by Grey's I was then comedically relieved by the Big Bang. I love that Sheldon always offers someone a hot beverage when they're feeling down (it's a social convention, of course). Oh Sheldon, you make my heart happy when the world makes me cry.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Today's Joy: When babies say I love you...

I have been taking care of this little18 month old boy for the last couple of weeks. He's such a cutie pie and very smart. On Wednesday when I went to watch him, his Mom had told me that she wanted to share something with me. She proceeded to tell me that on the Saturday after I had last watched him, whenever he heard something that sounded like the door or the doorbell, he would run to the door and call out "Maaannnniiiii". At first they thought that he was calling for his Mom but when she went to him, he continued to call out. They figured out that he was actually calling out "Mandie"! It was the first time that he had called for anyone other than his Mom or Dad. It was a lovely way to start the day! Then, to make my heart melt even more, later on he turned to me and said "I la lu" which is his super cute way of saying I love you. You know it's pure and heart felt when a child spontanseously says I love you. Such a special moment. Definatley, my joy of the day.