Friday, February 18, 2011

Today's Joy: When babies say I love you...

I have been taking care of this little18 month old boy for the last couple of weeks. He's such a cutie pie and very smart. On Wednesday when I went to watch him, his Mom had told me that she wanted to share something with me. She proceeded to tell me that on the Saturday after I had last watched him, whenever he heard something that sounded like the door or the doorbell, he would run to the door and call out "Maaannnniiiii". At first they thought that he was calling for his Mom but when she went to him, he continued to call out. They figured out that he was actually calling out "Mandie"! It was the first time that he had called for anyone other than his Mom or Dad. It was a lovely way to start the day! Then, to make my heart melt even more, later on he turned to me and said "I la lu" which is his super cute way of saying I love you. You know it's pure and heart felt when a child spontanseously says I love you. Such a special moment. Definatley, my joy of the day.

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