Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Photo Entry: My fat boy in his pink house

Let me first introduce you to my big fat baby, Nipper.
Quite the looker, ain't he? And, well, what can I say? He's huge!
All the more to cuddle with! He also likes to wear hats.
And on rare occasions, has been know to wear tye-dyed t-shirts.
Not many could pull this look off, but it's slimming on him don't you think?
Now let me introduce you to the Queen of Sheba, fondly know as Nickels.
Yeah, she's gorgeous and she knows it. She likes to use her queenly powers to get away with everything.
Yeah, that'd be her lounging on my piano.
And later playing my brother's X-box when he's not looking.
She's also quite dramatic.
Her famous guillotine impression.
And playing cat casserole. 

So here's why I've introduced you. First, cause they're awesome. Second, because you have to know them in order to get why these next two pics are so great. My babies were recently given a new present. It's this little cat house.

When Nickels is inside, we can hardly even see her.
But when Nipper gets in there, well...
Half of him sticks out!! He's so chubby!
I just love them. And they love each other.
Alright, you can say it now. All together...

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