Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today's Joy: J+R=LOVE4EVER

Yesterday I finished reading Jane Eyre, well really it was today at 2:30am. (SPOILER ALERT: Don't read on if you don't want to know the end!) It was such a beautiful book written from a time gone by. After reading it, you want to start speaking just like Jane. And finally, FINALLY, in the end Jane gets her happily ever after with Mr.Rochester. Then to make my joy ever more complete, I find out that they're making a new Jane Eyre movie that's coming out this March! Just in time for my birthday! Happy early Birthday to me! Jane fans, take a look at the trailer. It looks amazing!!!

Mia Wasikowska looks to me to be the perfect Miss Eyre. First Alice and now Jane, Mia is well on her way! Can't wait to see this!

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